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President's New Year message

By Jornal Sporting
31 Dec, 2015

Message from Bruno de Carvalho

Dear Sporting fans:
Looking back at what had been done and simply just passing comment is not one of my characteristics. However, I do understand that the being president means that I must analyse things at times.
I will make the most of this end of year message to make you feel the pride that we feel about what has been done, as well as the absolute conviction that what is still to come will be even better.
​This season has given us plenty of proud moments, but plenty of shameful ones too.
I would be easy to remind you all that we were a club on the verge of bankruptcy.
It would be easy to tell you all that for some people we would be little more than a football club, forgetting that we are the country's most successful sports club.
I do not resign myself to what has already been done, because I have always dreamed of more and more for our Sporting Clube de Portugal. The best is yet to come!
The calendar has brought one more year to an end and starts a new one that will be historic for the club.
2016 will see us celebrate the club's 110th anniversary, the highlight of the III Gala Honoris Sporting. In 2016 we will celebrate the birth of the Five Violins and the inauguration of the legendary Estádio José Alvalade, as well 40 years since Carlos Lopes' silver medal (the first Olympic medal for Portuguese athletics) in a year which saw him win the Cross Country World Championships.
For those who love that little edge over our main rival, it will be 30 years since the match in Alvalade that saw us win 7-1.
These are just some of the dates that thrive in the hearts of more than 3,500,000 Sporting fans and we will enjoy them.
We want more and we are going to have more!
Cycling is back at the club and the Sporting shirt will be worn where it should be: all over the country.
Our new arena will continue to grow throughout the year, on the way to bringing all of ours sports back home.
Our biggest asset, the club's members, will continue to support our football team by filling out Alvalade with a green wave that hasn't been seen for many years.
Two and a half years ago I have your promises. Two years later they are being fulfilled.
Now I will give you back the dream, a dream that feeds off our passion!
Together, we will make 2016 a year that we will never forget.
May we live this coming year in health, prosperity, love and with Sporting Clube de Portugal in our hearts.
I have no doubt at it: 2016 will be a great year for Sporting Clube de Portugal!
To finish, I want to make it clear that much of what has been done is credit to the club's and SAD's governing bodies, their employees, Supporters' Clubs, our organised fan groups and fans around the world. Above all, it is credit to our members.
For them, I express my most sincere thanks.
I wish all Sporting fans a great 2016.
I also wish the game for all true football fans.
I am sure that all of you understand, more and more, the efforts being made by Sporting Clube de Portugal to change football.
Happy New Year and thank you all for everything.
Bruno de Carvalho