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II Liga Chinese sponsors visit Sporting Academy

By Jornal Sporting
13 Feb, 2016

Ledman CEO Martin Lee in Alcochete

The Sporting Academy hosted a visit from the new sponsors of II Liga this week. Also attending the visit of the Chinese company Ledman was the president of the Portuguese Professional Football League, Pedro Proença. "China is doing a lot in sports training now and with them wanting to learn so much, we couldn't let the chance to visit the Sporting Academy go", affirmed Pedro Proença about the visit.

The committee, headed by CEO Martin Lee, was hosted by Vírgilio Lopes. After a guided visit around the vast complex, Martin Lee himself explained what led to investment in Portugal: "The Chinese football market is only starting now. We are here to study and to learn about football culture and the training system used in Portugal."

The objective, affirmed the Ledman CEO, is to "link Portuguese and Chinese football and to train more quality Chinese players". Speaking on the same links, Pedro Proença added that "the Chinese have three main objective over the coming years: to quality for the World Cup, to organise a World Cup and to win the World Cup."

The visit finished with a presentation of an official Sporting shirt to Martin Lee.