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Photo by José Cruz

"No team starts the season in their best form"

By Jornal Sporting
14 Aug, 2016

Jorge Jesus satisfied with opening day win

“It was a hard match. It was 36 degrees at kick-off, which is really hot for a team that plays pressing football like we do. Some of the lads felt that and it impacted on how we plated", opened Jesus in his post-match press conference this Saturday, going on to analysis the match itself in greater depth: "Marítimo are a really well managed team and they caused some issues down the wing. (after the break) we took charge and Marítimo fell off a bit. William helped the pace a bit and that was important, but we won and that is what matters."

“No team starts the season in their best form. That comes step by step and the lads will develop with time", finished the Alalade boss.