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"The president has been fantastic"

By Jornal Sporting
04 Sep, 2016

Jesus in extensive interview as he looks to inspire Alvalade to silverware

"We have to wake up the sleeping lion" was the challenge laid down to Jorge Jesus when he made an ambitious move to Alvalade. Speaking in an interview with Record after three matches into the current domestic campaign and following on from on of Sporting's finest transfer window performances in recent times, Jesus reflected on his relationship with the club president and what his team is gunning for this season.

"He (the president) believed in me and it have me strength. He told me that things would be sorted out step by step and honestly that it what has happened. The president has given me whatever I have asked for whenever he can", affirmed Jesus, adding: "I have changed Sporting in terms of structure and the president has been fantastic in that, because he doesn't say no to anything."

Speaking about Sporting's transfer activity, the Alvalade coach continued: "If you think Sporting did the best out of the big three clubs, then that is a reflection of who picked the players. Sporting can pay 10 million euros for Bas Dost these days because of the work done to get the best out of the lads who were transferred for record fees. There is no truth whatsoever in me supposedly threatening to resign if Adrien Silva left and he won't stop being captain because of what happened. Not once have I considered taking the armband off him."