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Photo by José Cruz

Rabah Aboud wins gold in Algeria

By Jornal Sporting
12 Mar, 2017

Alvalade athlete tops to podium in well contested Algeria championship

Alvalade athlete Rabah Aboud topped the podium at the Algeria Cross-Country Championship this weekend, after dominating the 10km distance in Sidi Bel Abbès.

"This victory is the compensation for the work I have been putting in. It was a really strong pack against me today, so I pushed the pace right from the beginning. Now I have a bit of time to prepare for the World Championship. I want to thank Sporting CP for the support that the club has given me", said Aboud at the end of the competition.

Sporting CP athletics technical director was also on hand to comment: "It is a fantastic result. Rabah Aboud won the title against a group of really high quality athletes and this gives him a place in the Algeria team."