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Portuguese, Portugal

Sporting Clube de Portugal – Futebol, SAD statement

By Jornal Sporting
15 Dec, 2016

Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland rejects Alvalade appeal

In light of the decision by the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland, which Sporting Clube de Portugal – Futebol SAD learnt of today, the club notes the following:
1 – The Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland has rejected the appeal made by Sporting Clube de Portugal – Futebol, SAD in relation to the so-called “Doyen case”. To this end, the sentence issued by the Court of Arbitration for Sport, which ruled that Sporting Clube de Portugal – Futebol, SAD must pay 12 million euros to Doyen (plus interest), is confirmed..
2 – Situations such as this are part may reasons which have forced the president of Sporting CP to publicly manifest the shameful state in which football currently finds itself.
3 – Despite our conviction that reason is on our side - which is proven by the support of FIFA and UEFA on various occasion's for Sporting CP's position in relation to the issue of funds in general - it was made clear on various occasions in the club's and SAD's General Assemblies that this process could be lost.
4 – Sporting Clube de Portugal – Futebol, SAD reiterates that the financial impacts of this process have already been integrated into the club's financial results and do not represent any risks whatsoever, including those associated with players transfers or compliance with Fair Play regulations.

Operational revenue leaps in 2015/2016

By Jornal Sporting
09 Sep, 2016

Transfer of João Mário and Slimani set new transfer window record

Sporting SAD smashes sales records this August, with the most valuable sale in the history of the Portuguese League and Sporting's second biggest ever transfer seeing the club set a new high in terms of transfer revenue in a single season.

The result was made possible by a solid investment in the squad and technical staff, giving the club a stronger negotiation capacity and allowing for the agreement of television and sponsorship deals.

Sporting's net results for June 2016 were conditioned by three factors: investment in the squad and technical staff, seeing an increase in personnel costs by 23.725 million euros; the Doyen process (without which the result would have been -16.914 million euros); and not qualifying for the Champions League. The overall net result for Sporting SAD for the 2015/16 season was -31.905 million euros, compared to the 19.333 million euros for the previous period. The sales of João Mário and Islam Slimani, which totaled around 54 million euros, will only be accounted for in 2016/2017.

Additionally, the results for the period were affected by provisions for debts with banks and the early amortization of capital as part of an agreement with Novo Banco and Millennium BCP.

Operational revenue up by 10 million euros

Operational revenue increased significantly, closing at 68.750 million euros (compared to 58.382 million euros from the previous period), due largely due to increased ticket sales (14.198 million euros), television rights (24.809 million euros) and other revenue (11.366 million euros).

Transfer fees for players stood at 7.716 million euros, due largely to the transfer of Fredy Montero and Valentin Viola.

In terms of equity capital, a variation of 31.997 million euros was registered, which will be mitigated in the 2016/2017 season with the above noted transfers of João Mário and Islam Slimani. Passive debt increased by 20.796 million euros, due largely to the Doyen process.

The period has seen a dramatic improvement in sports results, which will reflect in terms of revenues. Sporting SAD is determined to create a balanced environment in which sports success can be guaranteed and revenue kept positive.

Sporting shares climb 22% on market close

By Jornal Sporting
02 Sep, 2016

Arrival of Elias and Markovic see massive jump in Alvalade stocks

The final hours of the summer transfer market were spectacular in Alvalade, with Elias and Markovic penning late deals to join Jorge Jesus's squad, following the arrivals of Bas Dost, Castaignos, André and Douglas.

According to Jornal de Negócios, Sporting stocks had climbed 19% by 12h30 on the 1st of September, before adding a further 3% by 15h30.

Statement: Sporting SAD and Augusto Inácio

By Sporting CP
29 Jul, 2016

Sporting SAD and Augusto Inácio end formal contract

In light of the new regulations approved by the Portuguese Professional Football League, which prohibit club employees from taking part in television programmes as commentators, Augusto Inácio has considered his continued participation in the media in defence of transparency in football as fundamental.

In showing his passion for the club and in refusing to accept that his freedom of expression should be restricted, Augusto Inácio has decided to terminate his formal contract with Sporting CP.

Sporting CP thanks Augusto Inácio for his professionalism and work developed in the various roles he was asked to take on and we wish him the best of personal and professional success. Sporting will always be his home.

Sporting SAD statement: Luís Martins

By Sporting CP
28 Jul, 2016

Luís Martins for position of Technical Director for Youth Football

Sporting Clube de Portugal – Futebol, SAD has hired Luís Martins for the position of Technical Director for Youth Football.

Luís Martins was himself a player in Sporting's youth system. He hold a degree in Physical and Sport Education, a Post-Graduate qualification in High Performance Training and a Masters in Collective Sports. He has coached Sporting's under-17 team, as well as the 2004/05 championship winning under-19 team. He was named assistant coach for the first team in 2004/05 and took over the under-19 team in 2005/06 and went on to win the national title.

Martins also has a name for himself internationally, having coaches Saudi Arabia's Olympic Team. He has also coached Al Ahli Jeddah, Tottenham and Zenit.

Sporting SAD wishes Luís Martins the best of professional and personal success.

Sporting SAD makes one million trimester profit

By Jornal Sporting
02 Jun, 2016

Results published from January to March

Sporting SAD reported a positive operating result of one million euros from January to March, having however accumulated a loss of 17.1 million euros in the first nine months of the 2015/2016 season due to a decision by the Swiss Court of Arbitration which ordered the provision of a total of 14.4 million euros. Without this impact on non-current expenditure, brought about by the case with Doyen relative to the sale of the player Rojo, the result would have been a 2.7 million euro loss.

The current season saw an increased investment by Sporting SAD in technical staff and players, in order to provide for a greater margin for negotiation with sponsors and for television rights, given that the the main sponsorship contract with the main team finished in 2014/2015 and that television rights for league home games were to be negotiated.

The biggest sponsorship and television rights deal in Portuguese football was agreed in 2015, with NOS and PPTV, together with direct qualification for the Champions League, clearly justifying an increased investment.

The current result is also effected by the decision of the Board of Administration to maintain the sports rights of athletes and, consequently, economic rights of players considered as fundamental. Due to this decision and in light of investments in the team, further expenditure has been registered relative to personnel.

SAD statement: 2015 final semester results

By Jornal Sporting
01 Mar, 2016

In line with its legal obligations, Sporting Clube de Portugal, Futebol, SAD has communicated its results to the Market Securities Commission for the final period of 2015, with a negative result of 18 million euros.

In order to avoid speculations based on a lack of information in relation to the results which have been presented, we note that the results are conditioned by two factors: 1. an unfavorable ruling in the case Doyen vs SCP; 2. elimination from the Champions League in the play-off round in circumstances which have previously been commented on.

We note that the impact of the ruling in the Doyen case is, at this time, provisionary, as the period for appeal is on-going. We would also like to highlight the influence of revenue generated by the team's excellent performance in Liga NOS, as well as the new commercial contracts negotiated by this administration, towards returning to a positive result during the next phase of reporting.

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