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Modalidades de treino

Taijutsu focuses on body to body (tai) fighting techniques (jutsu). This discipline is comprised off controlling moves, imobilisations and throws which can also be adapted for the use of weapons. Techniques are trained for both attacks from in front and behind and for one or multiple opponents.

Buki Waza focuses on the use of weapons. For the sport's founder, weapons training influenced hand to hand training and vice-versa. Aikido uses the jo (pau), bokken (wooden sword) and tanken (knife). Students also learn how to defend against these weapons.

Takemusu Aiki is the most advanced level of study and is reached when techniques are applied in continuous combat.

Physically demanding, this martial art is great for keeping fit while teaching students self-defence guided by the principals of harmony, peach and respect.

Come and train with us!

Lessons: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18:15 to 19:15 and 19:15 to 20:30
Lessons for children: Saturday from 9:30 to 10:30 every two weeks

José Croca – 4th Dan
Renato Braz – 3rd Dan