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Photo by César Santos

"Costa Rica has really talented players"

By Jornal Sporting
21 Mar, 2017

Bruno de Carvalho in Costa Rica to open Sporting Academy School

The Sporting Academy School project officially appeared on the map in Central America for the first time this week. In Costa Rica for the opening of the country's first Sporting Academy School, Bruno de Carvalho, also took the opportunity to speak with local radio and television stations. 

Speaking with local radio, the Alvalade president explained the project to the journalist and the crucial role that Bryan Ruiz and Joel Campbell have played: "We have been studying Costa Rica for a few years now, because this country has a lot of talent. It is really important for us to find people who share our philosophy, by which I mean training youth players as both athletes and human beings. Bryan Ruiz and Joel Campbell contributed to that and they are both excellent people and professionals."
Expanding further on that same idea of a common philosophy, Bruno de Carvalho added: "I don't want a different Sporting CP, I want the one I learned to love and respect. We a re a club with a fantastic history, although things haven't been going as we would like in relation to football. In Costa Rica we are looking for players who can bring consistency to a squad that has to win."

Alvalade president opens Costa Rica Academy

By Jornal Sporting
20 Mar, 2017

Bruno de Carvalho travels to San José to open the doors of the latest Sporting Academy School, along with Bryan Ruiz and Joel Campbell

Bruno de Carvalho is in Costa Rica this Monday, to open the latest Sporting Academy School. The Alvalade leader will be accompanied by Bryan Ruiz and Joel Campbell, who are both in their native territory on international duty. The Alvalade president actually arrived on Sunday, in time to watch UD Carmelita-Limon FC.

Bruno de Carvalho's agenda is as follows:

09h45 – TD+ television programme
10h30 – Canal 7 television programme
13h00 – Sensacion Deportiva radio programme
13h30 – Lunch
15h30 – Kritian Mora radio programme
18h00 – Sporting Academy School official opening
20h30 – Dinner with the president of the Costa Rica Football Association, Alcaide, UD Carmelita and the Wilmer Lopez Academy

Photo by José Cruz

"More political willingness to get involved"

By Jornal Sporting
17 Mar, 2017

Bruno de Carvalho meets with CDS-PP Members of Parliament

The Sporting CP president, Bruno de Carvalho, met with Members of Parliament from the CDS-pp party this week, to speak about various initiatives to combat corruption in sport.

"We are hear, above all else, to talk about laws in sport. It is important to keep presenting proposals, especially for a club like Sporting CP that is so involved in training young players. It is important that our law makers understand that everything is related to contracts, protecting athletes and clubs. That is what is needed to make Portuguese football grow even more. It was a good discussion and we will carry on working", said Bruno de Carvalho about the meeting, hosted by the CDS-PP parliamentary leader, Nuno Magalhães.

the Alvalade chief went on to reflect on what is now a series of three meetings with the country's main political parties: "I am really satisfied, because there is now more and more political willingness to get involved with the daily activities of football. This sport cannot be overshadowed by a sub-system. It has to be transparent, true and credible. I think these parliamentary groups feel that, which is excellent."

Photo by José Cruz

"Today, it is Sporting CP that has won"

By Jornal Sporting
05 Mar, 2017

Bruno de Carvalho makes victory speech after massive election win

Elected for a second mandate by an overwhelming majority this weekend, Bruno de Carvalho took to the stage outside Alvalade in front of hundreds of fans who had gathered to hear his speech."45,000 can vote, but the total of 18,755 breaks a record that has stood for almost 30 years [17,093]. Today, it is Sporting CP that has won. I am the president for all Sporting CP fans, this is a democratic club. The voters showed that we do not want an elitist club, but one that wins."

Guaranteeing that he will continue to fight toot hand nail for the club, Bruno de Carvalho did not shy away from the added responsibility of a second mandate: "It was really important for us to show that Sporting CP is t the top of the pile. We are the nation's best sports club and we showed that we are united, cohesive and strong. We have calved out of path and we have brought credibility back to the club, but we know we hav more responsibilities now. We all want to win the league for you. There is nor margin for error."

With his unbreakable bond with the fans, Sporting CP's 42nd president thanked everyone for their support and issued a warning to the club's rivals: "Whoever damaging Sporting CP is my enemy. I have never seen our fans turn on their club. I want to see you all happy and I want to celebrate with you. Thank you all for your courage and I guarantee that we will work to be champions."

"A show of Sporting CP's democratic spirit"

By Jornal Sporting
05 Mar, 2017

Jaime Marta Soares announces election results in the early hours of Sunday morning

Historic and overwhelming. List B's win in this weekend's elections for all of the club's governing bodies was the most expressive result in Sporting CP 's history.

Taking to the stage just a few minutes before three in the morning, the General Assembly president, Jaime Marta Soares, revealed the result: "The club's members have unequivocally said that they want Bruno de Carvalho carry on for four more years. They have chosen and left no margin for doubt. This is a show of Sporting CP's democratic spirit.


Lions Council:
List A
: 9.07% (7,822 votes)
List B: 64.36% (55,207 votes)  
List C: 20.67% (17,827 votes)

Fiscal and Disciplinary Council:
List A
: 10.55% (9,173 votes)
List B: 82.78% (78,894 votes)

General Assembly:
List A
: 10.20% (8,923 votes)
List B: 82.50% (61,771 votes)

Board of Administration:
List A
: 9.40% (8,262 votes)
List B: 86.13% (74,982 votes)

Photo by César Santos

Sporting CP members set new voter record

By Jornal Sporting
04 Mar, 2017

18,755 voters breeze past 1988 record

The 4th of March 2017 will go down in history for Sporting CP, with the club's members turning out in massive numbers to smash the previous record for number of voters.

The 18,755 who took part comfortably beats 1988's record of 17,093. Fans were already queuing long before the polls opened at 09h00 and continued long after the scheduled close at 19h00.

Photo by José Cruz

Sporting CP goes to the polls

By Jornal Sporting
04 Mar, 2017

Alvalade electing governing bodies

Sporting CP's members go to the polls this Saturday, electing the club's governing bodies for the next four years.

Voting officially got underway at 09h00, with Luís Francisco the first to cast his ballot after arriving at 07h00.

Presidential candidate Pedro Madeira Rodrigues arrived at 10h30 and he took a moment to share his thoughts: "I think I made the right vote (laughs). I am really happy to see so many people turn out, to help us move past some of the sad moments we have shown to the country in recent years."

At the same time an autography session got underway in the Club Store with João Pinto and Ângelo Girão (roller hockey); João Paulo Pinto and Igor Zabic (handball); and Taciana Lima (judo). Leo and Djô also joined the session just before midday.

At midday General Assembly president Jaime Marta Soares issued his first update: "So far 3,300 people have noted, plus the 4,600 who voted by post."

At 12h37 club member number 1, Salvador Marques, cast his vote.

At 13h32 president Bruno de Carvalho and the head of List B was at the ballot box too.

Photo by César Santos

"During the next mandate we will win the league"

By Jornal Sporting
01 Mar, 2017

Bruno de Carvalho reflects on Sporting CP's recently released financial results

Speaking in press conference for the presentation of Sporting CP's financial results for the first semester of 2016/17, the Alvalade president, Bruno de Carvalho, accompanied by the vice-president for finance, Carlos Vieira, answered questions from the press on a range of topics.

After a detailed presentation of each section of the report and accounts, Bruno de Carvalho explained the process: "Sporting CP was on the verge of bankruptcy, there was a plan to close our sports teams (non-football) and for the golden share of SAD to be outside of the club. Finally people have understood the hard work that we have been doing during a tough year of negotiation. It was really hard to defend Sporting CP's interests, at a time when we didn't have money to pay salaries or suppliers, but we did it."

"I am going to say this for the first time. This is an affirmation: I have no doubt whatsoever that during the next mandate we will win the league more than once. Why? Because we have worked really hard for the last four years. To win the league you need various things such as money, which we had to go and get, and know-how, which I am proud to say I have learnt. Know we know what happens and how things are done", explained Bruno de Carvalho, in addition to a comment from Carlos Vieira: "We have created the conditions for SAD to invest in the near future and for us to compete at the top levels in all of the competitions we are involved in."

To finish, the Alvalade leader revealed his ambition to success on the pitch, as well as off it: "Sporting CP is the club out of the big three that is in the best shape financially. When we started to bring in more revenue, we invested more. That is how things are done. However, I don't want to win the league for profits, I want to win the football league."

Photo by José Cruz

"Fans need somebody to defend them"

By Jornal Sporting
18 Feb, 2017

Bruno de Carvalho at the starting line for the Tour of the Algarve fourth stage

President Bruno de Carvalho was out on the road again this weekend, this time in Almodôvar. The Alvalade head was at the start of the fourth stage of the cycle Tour of the Algarve and he took the opportunity to speak with the athletes from Sporting-Tavira, before heading for the Almodôvar Sporting Supporters' Club (115.º).

Speaking at the lunch, Carvalho issued a rallying cry: "Sporting's fans needs somebody to defend them. I demand dedicated professionals who are always looking to reach their objectives and to push that little big further. We are all an important part of the fight against funds and promoting legislation against violence and corruption. We have made the biggest ever investment in the club's teams and we will carry on bringing in the titles. We have kept turning over a profit and have seen an extraordinary growth in the number of people becoming club members."

To finish, the president spoke about the coming elections: "Whoever wins has to by a good margin. Sporting CP is more united now that ever and we have to carry on. We will carry on defending the club's interests, while our rivals want the other candidate to win.”


Photo by José Cruz

“All have hope in an even stronger club"

By Jornal Sporting
18 Feb, 2017

Bruno de Carvalho visits Vila Real de Santo António Sporting Supporters' Club for celebration dinner

President Bruno de Carvalho traveled to Vila Real de Santo António (nº.138) to celebrate the Sporting Supporters' Club's 22nd anniversary. After visiting the club and mingling with the gathered fans, the Alvalade president took the opportunity to share a few words.

"We have to remember what has happened. Nobody has ever seen the club so united and you could see that at the recent congress in Viseu. I have led my team though this and we all have hope in an even stronger club now", said the Alvalade chief, going on to reflect on questions ranged by fellow presidential candidate, Pedro Madeira Rodrigues: "It is not true the the financial restructuring had already been done when we arrived. All of our sports teams were about to disappear, except futsal which was going to be part of SAD. It is a complete lie that Sporting CP is not robust and financially healthy. The restructuring has took us back up a level that we should never have left. We agreed the biggest television contract and we are in the top-5 in terms of number of members. When I arrived we had 35 sports and now we have 50. We are fulfilling the dream of having the Sporting City with the João Rocha Arena, which would not have been possible without the financial restructuring."


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