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Photo by José Cruz

Bruno de Carvalho visits Leiria Museum

By Jornal Sporting
12 Feb, 2017

Bernardes Dinis shows the Alvalade president around Sporting CP's second official museum

the Sporting CP Museum in Leiria hosted president Bruno de Carvalho this Saturday, with Bernardes Dinis giving a special guided tour around the thousands of items on display.

"IT was a special visit, because the president and his board have done some great things over the last four year. They have been really fantastic on a variety of fronts. Sporting CP is again one of the best clubs with the top athletes in Europe", said Bernardes Dinis after the visit.

Bruno de Carvalho also shared a few words, affirming: "Despite what people might think, a museum is not a static space. What you need is for somebody to show you around, to share the history of Sporting CP. The club came into being on the 1st of July 1906 and has a really rich history."

Photo by José Cruz

"We know exactly what our mistakes have been"

By Jornal Sporting
12 Feb, 2017

Bruno de Carvalho appeals to fans to get out and vote on the 4th of March

Speaking to more than 400 Club Members at the closing of this years Sporting Supporters' Club Congress, Bruno de Carvalho reflected on the coming elections (4th of March) and appealed for all fans to get out an cast their vote.

"We know exactly what our mistakes have been. It has been four years of learning for us. Football and sport are two very complex worlds and you have to be on the inside to understand. I have no doubt that this is a pivotal moment in the history of Sporting CP and I ask everybody to take part in the elections. Regardless of who you vote for, the most important thing is that you make a choice and don't stay at home on the 4th of March. Whoever wins has to do so in a way that allows for us to carry on the hard work we have been doing", said the Alvalade chief.

Bruno de Carvalho continued in the same tone, highlighting the importance of the democratic process at the club: "You only get what you want if you work hard. We can't look at the election as already won or lost for anybody. Nobody thinks it isn't worth turning up to vote. These are maybe the most important elections this club has ever had. Regardless of if I am elected or not, I will carry on faithful to my principles."

Photo by César Santos

"People really tried to stop it"

By Jornal Sporting
04 Feb, 2017

President Bruno de Carvalho reflects on the permanent signing of Coates

Speaking after attending a ceremony for the inauguration of the Matosinhos Sporting CP Supporters' Club, Bruno de Carvalho commented on the permanent move of Coates to Alvalade.

“Although people really tried to stop it, Coates is our player until 2022", said the Alvalade president.

Photo by César Santos

"There are no sides at Sporting CP"

By Jornal Sporting
04 Feb, 2017

Bruno de Carvalho presents his presidential bid to packed auditorium

After officially launching his bid to renew his Alvalade presidency, Bruno de Carvalho presented to the club's fans and members this Friday. In front of around 500 people turning out, the current Alvalade president set out his stall for the March elections.

"Four years on, we are proud to say that Sporting CP is on the right track. We are clearly the best prepared candidate to do what is needed and you can see that in the list of people who are with me", said Bruno de Carvalho, continuing: "We have focused on turning fans into club members. We have moved past the 150,000 mark, we have more than 40,000 people in the stadium for every match and we are active in 50 different sports. the new João Rocha Arena we dream about is about to open, we are fighting to modernise football, we have launched a new website."

When asked about the candidacy tabled by Pedro Madeira Rodrigues, the current Alvalade chief highlighted the important steps taken over recent years to heal divisions within the club: "There are no sides at Sporting CP. We all love the club and can all see what the club was and what it is now. One thing always beings us together: Sporting Clube de Portugal."

Information for Sporting CP Club Members

By Jornal Sporting
04 Feb, 2017

March 2017 elections

Sporting CP informs that all Club Members wishing to vote in the elections taking place on the 4th of March 2017 must have all fees paid up to date by the 13th of February 2017.

Photo by César Santos

Pedro Madeira Rodrigues formalises bid

By Jornal Sporting
01 Feb, 2017

Presidential candidate becomes second official bid

Pedro Madeira Rodrigues formalised his presidential bid in a ceremony, although the candidate himself was away in England and could not attend. Madeira Rodrigues' entire list took part, in a ceremony hosted by General Assembly president, Jaime Marta Soares. The delivery of the candidacy was made by campaign representative Pedro Ribeiro Ferreira.

"I am a cartoonist and I honestly don't know why Pedro Madeira Rodrigues picked me to represent his bid, but I accepted the mission, because I am the grandson of a president who won seven titles. Every Sporting fan wants to do that again. Maybe I am a sort of talisman and I am here in name only", said Ribeiro Ferreira, adding: "I would like to see all Sporting CP fans stand together. We have a lot of adversaries in the world and we need to avoid shooting ourselves in the foot."

Pedro Ribeiro Ferreira went on to praise the current Alvalade president, Bruno de Carvalho, while affirming that Pedro Madeira Rodrigues is the better choice: "I am in favour of Bruno de Carvalho. I think he has done a great job and he has been a good president, but I don't know anybody more determined than Pedro Madeira Rodrigues. He is an even better choice and he can take us further. Last year we were really close to winning the league and maybe we wouldn't be here if we had won. but is it good that the fans have an alternative."

Photo by Daniel Sampaio, Eleições, Bruno de Carvalho, Jaime Marta Soares

Bruno de Carvalho formalises bid

By Jornal Sporting
31 Jan, 2017

"This represents continuity, as well as innovation", affirms candidacy representative Daniel Sampaio

Bruno de Carvalho officially formalised his presidential bid this week, in a ceremony hosted at the club. The Alvalade chief's entire team were also in attendance, along with General Assembly president Jaima Marta Soares and candidacy representative Daniel Sampaio.

"We had fulfilled the first step in formalising our bid and we have handed in the necessary documents. This represents continuity, as well as innovation. We want to carry on with the orject that we started four years ago", said Daniel Sampaio.

Jaime Marta Soares, who officially received the bid, highlighted the importance of the approaches taken by candidates: "The election process has gone as normal so far. I would like to see people discuss ideas, projects and proposals, while upholding respect and bearing in mind that we are talking about a club as big as Sporting CP."

Pedro Madeira Rodrigues is also set to formally table his bid tomorrow.

Photo by José Cruz

"Our dreams are what should drive us"

By Jornal Sporting
28 Jan, 2017

President Bruno de Carvalho officially openes Sintra Sporting CP Supporters' Club

Bruno de Carvalho travelled out the Sintra Sporting Supporters' Club this weekend, to officially open the doors on the facility which opened during the summer.

"I congratulate the Sintra Sporting CP Supporters' Club. I felt the passion from you all when we arrived today and it is fantastic to see an abandoned building transformed into what it is today. Whatever happens on the 4th of March, Sporting CP will push forward. I am proud to say that we ar ein the top 5 in the world in terms of fans and we have an average of more than 40,000 fans at every game. Our dreams are what should drive us to work harder, just like you all have here", said the Alvalade president at the event.

Sintra Sporting CP Supporters' Club João Afonso Aguiar was more than happy to welcome the Alvalade delegation, noting: "It was time for us to open a place for Sporting fans in Sintra. It was a really enjoyable project. It isn't because we are a few points off the top of the table that we are about to forget what has been done in terms of finance at the club, in addition to the new João Rocha Arena."

Photo by José Cruz

Socialists hear Sporting CP proposals on corruption

By Jornal Sporting
25 Jan, 2017

Bruno de Carvalho leads Alvalade delegation hosted in Parliament

Sporting Clube de Portugal was hosted in the Portuguese Parliament this Wednesday by the Socialist Party following the presentation of a document by Alvalade on proposals for combating corruption in sport. The Sporting CP delegation was led by president Bruno de Carvalho and was hosted by three Socialist Party Members of Parliament.

"Sporting CP, following on from our proposals for football, had the pleasure of again meeting with the Socailst Party's parliamentary group, where we had the opportunity to contribute and reaffirm our willingness to get involved in all areas of football, particularly football. It was a good meeting and we talked about football. We are an institution of public service and as part of that mission we look to help in maximising the modernisation and credibility of football", said Bruno de Carvalho after the session.

Speaking for the Socialist Party, João Torres affirmed his party's readiness to listen to Sporting CP's proposals: "Three projects have generally been approved over the last 15 days, one of which was tabled by the Socialist Party. These projects will now be submitted to the respective committees and this meeting is part of that. I don't have a lot to say specifically about Sporting CP's proposal right now. We are still reflecting on it, but this meeting enabled us to clarify some things in relation to sports policies. However, I would say that Sporting CP, the Socialist Party and every citizen defends the need to promote transparency in sport."

Photo by César Santos

Sporting Clube da Madeira opens new headquarters

By Jornal Sporting
21 Jan, 2017

Affiliate nº76 hosts Alvalade leaders for special day

Sporting Clube da Madeira wrote a new page in its long history this weekend, opening up a new headquarters in Funchal.

Founded in 1936, Affiliate nº76 hosted Bruno de Carvalho the event.

The Affiliate's president, Miguel Rodrigues, was on hand to host Bruno de Carvalho and was evidently pleased to welcome the Alvalade leader. "It is a privilege to host the president of Sporting CP for the inauguration of our new headquarters. We were forced to move into the centre of town, but we have found a good space which can help us develop our club's community. Like Sporting CP we are an eclectic club and we have fishing, table tennis, football, athletics and billiards teams. Sporting Clube da Madeira and Sporting Clube de Portugal align perfectly", said Miguel Rodrigues.


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