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Photo by César Santos

“This is the last time we will hold back"

By Jornal Sporting
08 Jan, 2017

Bruno de Carvalho visiting Supporters' Clubs around the country

The Sporting CP president, Bruno de Carvalho, was on the road this week, visiting Supporters' Clubs around the country. Questions inevitably awaited in relation to the recent refereeing incidents in Portuguese football and the Alvalade chief did not shy away from passing comment.

"Sporting CP cannot carry on sitting back and watching as we are damaged. I don't understand how we are eight points off the top of the league, with the investments we have made. We have missed a lot of goals and haven't been playing great, but refereeing has contributed to that too. This is the last time that the club will hold back, because we will not tolerate this any more. We will give the benefit of the doubt one more time, in the believe that we will be where we want to be at the end of the season", said Carvalho.

The Sporting CP president went on to affirm the need for change, highlighting issues that condition the country's officials: "Making the wrong decision no longer influences how referees are rated and that hows a lack of preparation. Not taking those decisions into account is like forgiving crimes in society. We have made internal proposals to UEFA and FIFA, many of which were approved by national and international institutions. Now we are going to try again. The video-referee is fundamental. After five years of testing in the Netherlands, it is crucial that we implement the technology. This have to be made more transparent, so people talk less about scandal and more about football."



Photo by César Santos

Bruno de Carvalho officially in the running

By Jornal Sporting
29 Dec, 2016

Alvalade leader looking to renew his 2013 mandate

The president of Sporting Clube de Portugal, Bruno de Carvalho, announced on the 29th of December his intention to run for office again in the 4th of March 2017 elections.

Here is what the Alvalade boss said on his official Facebook page:

"I have decided to follow through with my intention, which I did not at any point deny, to again put myself forward as a candidate as president of Sporting Clube de Portugal, after a period of reflection. We are proud of what we have done and we have identified what we still want to do, after also looking at the other candidacy which has been presented and bearing in mind other possible projects. That, on top of hearing the encouraging words of thousands of fans in recent days.

"When I arrived at Sporting CP, in the circumstances that we all know about, the club was in a very difficult situation in economic and financial terms. We undertaken the necessary financial restructuring, recognised by everyone one as success, bringing back our external credibility. We have begun building the long desired João Rocha Arena, which we will open on the first quarter of 2017, bringing back all sports to Alvalade. We have gone beyond the 150,000 members milestone and we want to break into the top 3 clubs in the world in terms of numbers of members. We have brought back more fans to Estádio José Alvalade, achieving an average attendance of more than 40,000 spectators. Our youth teams, on all levels, are stronger. Both SAD and the club have turned over their best ever profits. We have claimed victories in football, recovering from Sporting CP's worst finish ever to win the Portuguese Cup and Supercup. In other sports, we have won various titles, including two European trophies. We are building quality squads in every sport. In the last transfer window, we made the two biggest ever sales in the club's history, one of which was the biggest ever price for a Portuguese player playing in Portugal. All of that, together with the opening of Sporting TV.

There is still a lot to do and during this period of reflection I have identified not only what has not gone so well, but also those things which we could have done better and which have to be improved.

I am doing this for the club I love and which I always will. I have worked 24 hours a day for the past 4 years to serve Sporting CP and I will continue to do so while I am here. The next few years a crucial for consolidating what we have done over the last four. Going back now would be fatal for our club. It is an honour and a privilege to be the president of our club. Considering the work which we are doing day in day out, I ask you to understand that the club cannot come to a halt just because the electoral period has begun. The board and our governing bodies have been given a mandate by the club's members to work, not to go on election campaigns. Respect must come from everybody. Let's make this election an example of democracy, so that we don't give our adversaries the chance to degrade us.

Viva Sporting Clube de Portugal!!!"

Photo by César Santos

Elections scheduled for the 4th of March

By Jornal Sporting
29 Dec, 2016

General Assembly President Jaime Marta Soares officially announces election date

The president of Sporting CP's General Assembly, Jaime Marta Soares, officially announced this Wednesday that the 2017 presidential elections will take place on the 4th of March.

"The election period has begun and, as president of the General Assembly, I hope that this is a manifestation of the vitality of Sporting and that campaigning happens with a spirit of elevation, respect and dignity. I hope the candidates discuss based on the best interests of Sporting CP. Individualism is not a good posture to take. I am looking for a campaign without personal attaches and that each project be discussed clearly. Portugal, not just Sporting CP's fans, will be watching us and in light of the vital sports and cultural importance of the club, it is vitally important that we respect the values of sport. I am hoping to see many people turn out to vote."

Photo by José Cruz

"Anybody that loves this club and has a project deserves to be here"

By Jornal Sporting
28 Dec, 2016

President Bruno de Carvalho fires the starting gun for the March 2017 presidential race

President Bruno de Carvalho called a press conference this Wednesday, in which he guaranteed that any presidential candidates will have time with the club's communication channels, before highlighting the importance of showing respect for all supporters: "The Sporting Journal and Sporting TV wil give coverage to any candidate. That is what is needed. Anybody that loves this club and has a project to present deserves to be here and can present here. As president, I am speaking now because the electoral campaigns have begun. I welcome Pedro Madeira Rodrigues (1st official candidate) and promise that this process will be done in a transparent and open way. This club honours democracy and I ask everyone to stand out from the current state of national sport."

Merry Christmas Sporting!

By Jornal Sporting
22 Dec, 2016

Message from President Bruno de Carvalho

"This year, Sporting Clube de Portugal celebrates 110 years of history, inspired by our values: Effort, Dedication, Devotion and Glory. It is a history which has brought us many joys, with more than 20 thousand titles won in many different sports, along with a young system recognised around the world as the only system to have trained two FIFA World Players of the Year. We are on the verge of opening the João Rocha Arena and with it we will create the Sporting City experience. We have long been considered as the country's most successful sports club and we have gone above and beyond the vision of our founder, José Alvalade, and today we are one of the world's best clubs. The credit for these achievements is not only with our athletes, but with our members and fans.
Full of pride in representing Sporting Clube de Portugal, we wish you a very Happy Christmas and a New Year full of victories."

Bruno de Carvalho
President of Sporting Clube de Portugal

Photo by José Cruz

Sporting CP agrees protocol with Cape Verde

By Jornal Sporting
18 Dec, 2016

President Bruno de Carvalho and Cape Verde's Minister of sport, Fernando Elísio Freire de Andrade, celebrate deal

Alvalade hosted a contingent from Cape Verde this weekend, to sign an agreement with Sporting Clube de Portugal.

Bruno de Carvalho led the Sporting CP delegation at the ceremony and the Alvalade president was keen to highlight the importance of the protocol: "One of our main objectives is to strengthen our bond with Portuguese speaking countries. The relationship between Sporting CP and Cape Verde has been developing for years now and we are all very proud of what we have achieved. What we are doing now is strengthening our partnership even more. We will do what we now best and we really like to see sport developing in a country like Cape Verde, where we recently opened an academy. Now we have taken an important step with the Cape Verdean government and a club like Sporting CP has to have this kind of protocols with governments."

Cape Verde's Minister of sport, Fernando Elísio Freire de Andrade, also gave his backing to the protocol, affirming the role Sporting CP can play in the country: "This is an extraordinary protocol. Cape Verde wants sport to be open to our whole society. Sporting CP is a brand on the world stage, with a lot of influence in Cape Verde. It is a club that has enjoyed a lot of success in a lot of sports, particularly in the way the club integrates young athletes and helps them develop. That is what we want to happen in our country and I want to thank Sporting CP and president Bruno de Carvalho for their availability."

Photo by César Santos

“We have lost the notion that we are right"

By Jornal Sporting
17 Dec, 2016

Bruno de Carvalho speaks at 53rd Stromp Awards Gala

The 53rd Stromp Awards Gala took place this Friday, in Lisbon's Hotel Sheraton. Bruno de Carvalho was of course in attendance, along with Rui Patrício, Adrien Silva, William Carvalho, Rúben Semedo, João Matos, Patrícia Mamona and Ângelo Girão.

The Alvalade president was invited to take to the stage at the event and he didn't shy away from speaking about the Doyen case. "Everyone knows that Sporting CP has taken a few hits over the last few days. In fact not just Sporting CP, but also national and word football. If you ask me if the Doyen case was worth it, well I said in the club's general assembly that what we were doing came with risks. For me and for the club, the doyen case is a matter of principle. Sporting CP fulfills every contract, but the Doyen contract for us was not valid", said Bruno de Carvalho, adding: "I still think that it is worth defending Sporting CP. We have lost the notion that we are right and that UEFA and FIFA were on our side. World football is too twisted right now for us to carry on pacifically. Despite this defeat, we have fulfilled our financial fair play obligations and Sporting CP has made a profit of 63 million euros."

Photo by César Santos

"Our partners didn't turn their backs on us"

By Jornal Sporting
16 Dec, 2016

Bruno de Carvalho looks back on his mandate in a speech at the club's Christmas dinner

President Bruno de Carvalho took to the stage at the club's Christmas dinner this week, reflecting on the final year of his mandate and how the future looks for Alvalade.

"It was four years of a lot of dedication, love and work. I always said that I would come to Sporting and that I would think long and hard about my actions daily. I am not addicted to anything and I will have no problem whatsoever if I have to leave Sporting CP. I am completely available to listen to any president and when I think I am at a point where I cannot give anything to the club, I will step aside", opened the Alvalade president, before going on to to reflect more generally.

"I say that I am ashamed of football because of things that some people have been doing. I like being on the bench, near to the game and to my players and the coach. From the time that people were saying we were on the verge of bankruptcy I have kept myself involved. I am am taking on more responsibilities almost on a daily basis and honestly our sponsors have been brilliant. It is a real honour to be a partner of Sporting CP, a club with over a century of history, with 50 sports and with two Golden Ball winners. We are recognised for our excellence in youth training, representing Portugal in every sport. We went through a tough period, but our partners didn't turn their backs on us."

"Sporting CP lost more than 100 million through funds"

By Jornal Sporting
09 Dec, 2016

Bruno de Carvalho speaks with So Foot

Speaking in an interview with the French sports publication ‘So Foot’, Bruno de Carvalho once again took aim at partnerships between clubs and external investment, making a damning evaluation of the club's loses to funds.

"When Sporting CP worked with funds, we lost more than 100 million euros. When we stopped doing business with them, we began making a profit. We had to take the malignant cells out of Sporting CP", affirmed the Alvalade president, going on to speak about the involvement of the Court of Arbitration for Sport in a process against funds: "Why do I have to face Doyen in the Court of Arbitration for Sport? What do they know about football contracts?"

To finish, Bruno de Carvalho reaffirmed his determination to revolutionise Portuguese football: "I want to see football as a sport that reflects the values of our society. How can we just sit back and relax when people think we are thieves and corrupt people? I have two children and honestly I don't want them to see their father like that."

Photo by DR

“What matters is that we keep cool"

By Jornal Sporting
06 Dec, 2016

Bruno de Carvalho unveils new Sporting Academy School in Athens

Speaking from Athens, where he is opening the doors to a new Sporting Academy School, president Bruno de Carvalho set out his plans for the rest of the current campaign.

“What matters is that we keep cool and stick together. Yesterday we had more than 43,000 people in the stadium and I think that the fans are calm with the excellent work we are doing. That is what I said when we were seven points behind, when we were five points behind and now when we are two points behind", said the Alvalade boss in the Greek capital, adding: "There are three really strong sides in the league: Sporting CP, FC Porto and Benfica. It will be tight race right until the end, but we have everything we need to bring the title home for the fans. This is a marathon, not a sprint. and it is the most consistent and intelligent team in the run in that will win it."

A crucial Champions League encounter with Legia Warsaw awaits on Wednesday, before the weekend's Lisbon derby. "Right now the coaching staff and the players are all in symphony and focused. We will have a tough game in Warsaw and then we will go to the Luz and do our job, which is bringing back three points", said Bruno de Carvalho.


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