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Photo by José Cruz

“As big as the biggest in the world"

By Jornal Sporting
26 Nov, 2016

President Bruno de Carvalho speaks at Lions of Portugal charity dinner

The Lions of Portugal (a charity association partnered with Sporting CP) held its 31st annual dinner this Friday, hosted at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Lisbon.

Accompanied by Ricardo Esgaio and goalkeeping coach Nélson Pereira, president Bruno de Carvalho was invited to take to the stage at the end, which also saw the awarding of a total of 44 scholarships.

“I am here at the Lions of Portugal dinner today with a conviction that being part of this family means a lot more than just winning titles. The 44 scholarships we have awarded today are an example of that. This is a mission that we should undertake and that we should be proud of. The athletes who are produced here always say that they learnt to be both athletes and humans here. The Club's life comes from those younger generations and that puts us one step higher than what even our founders wanted to do. Right now we can't only say that we are as big as the biggest in Europe, but as big as the biggest in the World", said the Alvalade president.

Photo by José Cruz

Cantona is Club Member number 150,000

By Jornal Sporting
23 Nov, 2016

Manchester United legend takes milestone number before watching Alvalade host Real Madrid

Manchester United legend Eric Cantona is officially Sporting CP's 150,000th Club Member, announced by Bruno de Carvalho before kick-off against Real Madrid on Tuesday night.

"I love being in this stadium. Thank you all and I wish you the best. You are a great team", said Cantona in an interview on the pitch, before receiving a commemorative plaque from the Alvalade president.





"I want to win our 23rd league title"

By Jornal Sporting
12 Nov, 2016

Bruno de Carvalho speaks at club awards about the road ahead

Bruno de Carvalho took to the stage this Friday night in front of a crowd of more than 1500 fans, as part of the club's annual award ceremony.

"I want to win our 23rd league title. We are on track, but of course we will have to overcome countless hurdles. We have to stick together, because nobody is just going to give the title to us. If we don't stand up for ourselves then nobody else will do it for us", said the Alvalade chief at the ceremony, adding: "The days of a submissive Sporting CP that would just roll over are finished. We will stand up to anybody who looks to attack Sporting CP."

Photo by César Santos

Sporting CP agrees new deal with Super Bock

By Jornal Sporting
11 Nov, 2016

Bruno de Carvalho and Rui Lopes Ferreira extend partnership

Sporting and Super Bock have extended their relationship with a new deal valid until the end of the 2017/2018 season, with an option for an additional year.

The partnership has already been in place for eight years and the CEO of UNICER, Rui Lopes Ferreira, couldn't be happier with the deal. 
"This renewal is the continuation of a successful partnership. Super Bock and Sporting CP are two household names, both nationally and internationally. We hope to see Sporting CP carrying on building up a thirsty for victory and the values that the club has, because there is a lot in common between us", said the the UNICER boss.
Bruno de Carvalho was also satisfied, nothing: "We will carry on working with Super Bock. We want to bring a smile to the faces of everyone at UNICER, as well as our 3 millions fans. It was a deal shaped by this board of directors and it means a lot to us, because they have always believed in us."
Photo by César Santos

Cape Verde delegation in Alvalade

By Jornal Sporting
07 Nov, 2016

Prime Minister Ulisses Correia e Silva hosted by Bruno de Carvalho

The Prime Minister of Cape Verde, Ulisses Correia e Silva, paid a visit to Estádio José Alvalade this week, as part of a delegation hosted by Sporting CP President Bruno de Carvalho, SAD administrator Guilherme Pinheiro and vice-president Carlos Vieira.

Prime Minister Ulisses Correia e Silva explained how the opportunity came about: "This visit is the result of two things: firstly, I am a Sporting fan and wanted to come here. Secondly, I wanted to see Sporting CP from the inside. The club is massive in Portugal and in all Portuguese speaking countries. We are also here to look into developing a partnership with the club. We have been building up some solid relationships with other countries, particularly other Portuguese speaking countries and countries that have Portuguese speaking populations."

The Cape Verde leader also spoke about the proposed partnership with Sporting CP and some of the great Cape Verde names who have starred in Alvalade: "Sporting CP could be a good partner for our growth objectives in terms of sport in Cape Verde. We have two players in the Sporting CP squad right now and we have had others before, like Nani and Oceano. It is an honour for Cape Verde to be represented in this club."



Photo by César Santos

"Always something else which can be done"

By Jornal Sporting
11 Oct, 2016

President Bruno de Carvalho in interview with the Portuguese Channel as part of his US tour

Bruno de Carvalho brought his visit to the United States to a close this week with an extensive interview with the Portuguese Channel, the only channel in the country which broadcasts in Portuguese 24 hours a day.

The Alvalade leader began with an analysis of the club's partnership New England Revolution: "We have been working a lot on youth football, to create a link between America and Portugal. We want to open our first facility here next year that doesn't only act as an Academy, but as a school as well."

Elections for the Sporting board of directors are just around the corner, leading Bruno de Calvalho to reflect on his mandate so far: "It isn't easy to look back on something like this. We presented 120 points in our electoral manifesto and we have already achieved 110 of them. The last ten are in relation to renewable energies in the stadium and the installation of that sort of thing. We are really satisfied and proud with how the club has evolved and it is great to see how happy the fans are right now. There is always something else which can be done at the club and we can never let our guard down because we have achieved something, even though we are putting 24 hours a day into Sporting. It is easier to manage the club now, we are more economically balanced and we are stronger in terms of sports. The present has been secured and the future is in our hands."

"Perfect" was how Bruno de Carvalho classified his relationship with Jorge Jesus and the Alvalade president didn't stop there: "He has a really solid objective and his passion is what takes him to the top. He is recognised worldwide as one of the best and he is magnificent at what he does. Our relationship is perfect. you would think that two people who are very similar would clash and opposites would attract, but we have a really good and professional relationship. We have the same was of looking at life, which is to role up our sleeves at get stuck in."

Photo by D.R.

President visits Cumberland Supporters' Club

By Jornal Sporting
10 Oct, 2016

Bruno de Carvalho in the USA to celebrate 50th Anniversary

In the space of just three days, president Bruno Carvalho took part in the Leaders Sport Business Summit in London, before dashing off to the USA to the Cumberland Sporting Supporters' Club in Rhode Island.

The Cumberland branch is celebrating its 50th birthday and the Alvalade chief was on hand to celebrate with fans who had gathered from as far afield as New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts.

"Important for Sporting to be on the front line"

By Jornal Sporting
07 Oct, 2016

Bruno de Carvalho takes part in Leaders Sport Business Summit in London

The Sporting president, Bruno de Carvalho, was in London recently to take part in the Leaders Sport Business Summit, which brings together names from across the sports and business worlds.

Speaking about the event, the Alvalade leader proved pleased with such a prestigious invitation: "It is more and more important for Sporting to be on the front line, with its vision for modernising football. It is one of the most prestigious conferences in the world and I don't mean only in relation to football. It was really important and it is an honour for sporting to be part of such a restricted group. Sporting CP is recognised as being on the front line of some of the important battles in football."

"It was really nice to spend two days thinking about football and to transmit Sporting CP's ideas. Football is going through a big transformation, but we also have to consolidate what has been done, to ensure that it doesn't get lost in the moment. We talked a lot about the present and future of football and we hope to carry on taking part in events at this level", added Bruno de Carvalho.

The Sporting president went on to appeal for Portuguese football to take a long, hard look at itself: "I came back feeling satisfied, but knowing that we still have a lot to do. I have faith that one day I will feel the same about Portuguese football. We are still learning and you can see the big difference between Portuguese football and the others when you go to these congresses. World football wants to be at the very top and sometimes Portugal is lagging behind a bit. We really should reflect and take a step in the right direction."

"It is nice to feel that Sporting CP's ideas are being noticed in football. It is important to know that we were influential in the changes that have happened. Football needs regulation, not only in terms of laws but also in terms of its multi-million euro business which involves more and more people and more and more money", finished Bruno de Carvalho.

Photo by José Cruz

"Magical to see Ronaldo finish his career in Portugal"

By Jornal Sporting
12 Sep, 2016

Bruno de Carvalho declares intention to bring the nation's hero back to Alvalade

The Sporting president dropped an absolute bombshell in his interview with the Spanish newspaper Marca this week, declaring his intention to see Cristiano Ronaldo hand up his boots in Avalade.

"I was in the stadium when we played against Manchester United I knew right then that they would take him. We will face him (on Wednesday) and he will face the club that trained him. Everybody wants to see Ronaldo against his old team. It would be magical to see Ronaldo finish his career in Portugal, with Sporting. That is my objective. We have been making a big effort to bring back some of our old players, like what happened with Nani", explained Bruno de Carvalho, before answering a question on who he sees as Sporting's best weapon for facing the Spanish giants: "Our star? Jorge Jesus of course, our leader. He is the most important person in the group and he complements what we needed. He is perfect for my vision of Sporting, with leadership and a drive for perfection. Now the players understand that they can win titles."

The full interview can be found here.

Photo by José Cruz

Bruno de Carvalho sets stage for Real Madrid

By Jornal Sporting
12 Sep, 2016

Alvalade president answers challenge by Marca with a wonder strike

Real Madrid vs. Sporting CP truely got underway on Monday, with president Bruno de Carvalho netting a penalty past the director of the Marca newspaper, Juan Ignacio Gallardo.


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