Alvalade athletes visit pediatric unit
07 Dec, 2016
Obikwelu, Marco Fortes, Marta Onofre, Diogo Ganchinho and Taciana Lima at D. Estefânia Hospital
The Sporting Foundation have Science4You teamed up to take a group of athletes to Lisbon's D. Estefânia Pediatric Hospital. The Alvalade heroes were of course happy to oblige, handing out presents and mixing with their fans.
Explaining how the visit came about, Sporting Foundation head Celina Cepa proved happy with the results: "This was our first activity in the build up to Christmas. We put a few months of planning into this and teamed up with Science4You and the D. Estefânia Hospital was happy to have us. We brought smiles to the kids' faces and it was a really emotional experience for everyone."
Science4You representative João Ferreira was also pleased to help and is eager to get the company involved more often: "We were invited by the Sporting Foundation and we took on the challenge of helping where we could. It was a great experience and we want to repeat it."